Daily Archives: January 15, 2016

Megan McKenna gets a formal warning


Big Brother has issued Megan McKenna with a formal warning following her drunken meltdown in last nights show.

See below for Big Brother Rules


The Ex On the Beach star launched a violent, foul-mouthed outburst at fellow housemates Tiffany Pollard and John Partridge after a row quickly escalated out of control.

When Tiffany and Megan nearly came to blows, the young reality star was ordered to go into the bathroom before she was called into the Diary Room and eventually removed from the house by security when she failed to calm down.

The argument began when Megan, who had earlier admitted to being “p****d as a fart”, said she was fed up of cleaning up after people in the house.

When John contested that she doesn’t clean up after him, Megan replied: “It’s always John, ‘I’m the perfect one’. I f**king respect people in here, John. I respect people but I’ve lost it in here with you!”

See Mirror for full story


Big Brother Rules

1.There is no direct contact with the outside world.

    * Big Brother never discusses anything that has happened in the outside world.
    * Big Brother never enters into any negotiations about how certain actions, conversations or events that may have occurred in the house will be shown on the television.
    * Housemates are not permitted to make any attempts to communicate personal messages with members of the outside world by means of written messages, symbols or personalised clothing.
    * If any objects appear in the garden Housemates must not touch or inspect them unless instructed to do so.
    * If people appear in the garden Housemates MUST NOT communicate with them.
    * In the event of any of these events occurring Housemates must make their way immediately inside and close the doors, even if not specifically asked to do so.

2.Housemates are filmed 24 hours a day and must wear personal microphones at all times.

    * Big Brother will not broadcast images from the toilet on the television or internet unless it is being used for purposes other than those for which it was designed. For example, images of two people talking in the toilet may be broadcast.
    * It is strictly against the Rules to interfere for any reason with the camera or sound equipment installed in the House and garden or to do anything which may hinder the working of the equipment in any way.
    * It is against the rules to try and locate and/or acknowledge cameras through the mirrors. It is also against the rules to discuss camera positions.
    * Nothing must be placed in front of mirrors to impede camera coverage. Housemates are forbidden to move vases and bowls and any other decorative items.
    * No furniture can be moved from one part of the house to another.
    * Housemates are forbidden to hang towels anywhere in the House except on the heated towel rails in the bathroom.
    * It is compulsory to wear a personal microphone at all times except when sleeping, showering or taking part in any activity in which the microphone may be damaged.


3.The Diary Room is the only place in the house where Big Brother will acknowledge housemates. Visits to the Diary Room are a vital part of the Big Brother experience and are, therefore, compulsory.

    * Housemates are welcome to enter the Diary Room at any time of the day or night.
    * The Diary Room is the only place in the House that Big Brother acknowledges what Housemates say.
    * Housemates may not wear sunglasses or hats in the Diary Room.
    * The Diary Room can only be entered if there is no-one in the room. It is electronically locked at all other times. It will also be locked while Housemates are in the room.
    * Big Brother can call individual Housemates to the Diary Room at any time. Housemates must come when called, failure to do so or responding in an offensive manner to Big Brother may result in disqualification and early eviction.
    * It is compulsory for Housemates to enter the Diary Room to make their nominations.
    * Big Brother is the only person who communicates with the Housemates. On occasion, Big Brother may not answer questions immediately but will always eventually return an answer. Big Brother will not answer personal questions.
    * If a Housemate decides to leave voluntarily, they must explain their reasons why in the Diary Room.
    * Any questions asked by Big Brother in the Diary Room cannot be divulged to other Housemates.
    * Occasionally Housemates may need minor medical treatment. On these occasions professionals will usually treat them in the Diary Room. It is prohibited to try and seek information about the outside world from these professionals.
    * If a Housemate is having a consultation with the counsellor or psychologist (either at their request or at the suggestion of Big Brother) then this conversation will be confidential. It will not be recorded and members of the production team will not be able to hear or see the consultation.

4.Each week, Housemates are required to go to the Diary Room and nominate two people for potential eviction.

    * Housemates must give frank and honest reasons for their nominations.
    * If any Housemate is deemed to be holding back a valid reason for nominating a fellow Housemate, a formal warning may be issued.
    * Housemates are not allowed to nominate themselves or any inanimate objects.

5.Housemates are not permitted to discuss nominations with any other Housemates.

This includes:

    * Any discussion with another Housemate that could be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to influence their nominations.
    * Predicting or guessing who may be nominated or evicted.
    * Discussing the reasons Housemates might use for nominating.
    * Discussing the type of person Housemates are thinking of nominating.
    * Writing down or using materials at Housemates disposal to form names, initials or other symbols. For this reason the use of pens, pencils or any written communication is strictly against the rules.
    * Communicating in code or languages other than English and/or devising other methods of communication.

Housemates are, of course, free to talk about how they feel about the other Housemates. Their good and bad points may be discussed with others but NOT as part of a discussion about nominations.

6.Housemates may not intimidate, threaten or act violently towards any other Housemate.

Big Brother has the right to evict Housemates without warning if their behaviour is deemed to warrant it.

7.Housemates may not communicate in code and/or foreign or sign languages.

    * Housemates are forbidden to write anything using any material or surface in the House eg steam on glass.
    * On the occasion Housemates are provided with a writing implement it is forbidden for this implement to be used for anything other than the express purpose for which it is provided.
    * Housemates must speak in English at all times.

8.All tasks, unless otherwise stated, are compulsory.

    * The supply of food and other household goods is generally dependant on Housemates’ performance in compulsory weekly tasks.
    * Succeeding in the task results in a substantial shopping budget, failing the task means Housemates may have to live on “staples”. Staple foodstuffs are supplied by Big Brother and provide enough calories and the appropriate balance of nutrients from all the major food groups for each Housemate for the week. Big Brother retains the right to change the rules of any task at any stage.
    * In addition to the weekly tasks Big Brother may also set other challenges.
    * If a task is deemed compulsory, any Housemate refusing to take part will attract a fine and may be evicted.
    * The rules of all tasks are non-negotiable.

9.Housemates may not discuss any previous series of Big Brother. Housemates are forbidden to discuss their plans for the prize money.

    * Housemates may not discuss any previous series of Big Brother – either Australian or international – or former Housemates – either Australian or international – with any other Housemate.
    * Under no circumstances may any of the Housemates discuss how they intend to spend the prize money should they win it. In particular, any pacts to share or split the prize money between Housemates are against the rules and may result in the prize money being withdrawn altogether.
    * Housemates may not discuss any aspect of the audition process or any person they met during the auditions or at any other time during pre-production or in Lockdown.

10. Big Brother reserves the right to change the rules at any time.



15th January – Deaths & Events in Northern Ireland Troubles

Key Events & Deaths on this day in Northern Ireland Troubles

15th January


Wednesday 15 January 1969

Terence O’Neill, then Northern Ireland Prime Minister, announced the setting up of an official inquiry into the disturbances in Derry and elsewhere. The inquiry, under the chairmanship of Lord Cameron, a Scottish judge, was asked to look into the causes of the civil unrest.

Friday 15 January 1971

Riots broke out in the Ardoyne area of Belfast.

Thursday 15 January 1976

Harold Wilson, then British Prime Minister, held an all-party meeting at Downing Street, London, to consider the security situation in Northern Ireland.

Monday 15 January 1982

James Prior, then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, announced the setting up of a Committee of Inquiry into the sexual abuse of children who lived in the Kincora Boys Home in Belfast.

[The Kincora Scandal first broke on 3 April 1980 when three staff members of the Kincora Boys Home, Belfast, were charged with acts of gross indecency. Allegations continued to be made that elements of the security service, civil servants and a number of Loyalists had been involved in the abuse of young boys at Kincora. One of those sentenced was William McGrath who was the leader of a Loyalist paramilitary group called Tara.]

Sunday 15 January 1984

Tomás Ó Fiaich, then Catholic Primate of Ireland, sparked controversy when he criticised the visit of Margaret Thatcher, then British Prime Minister, to the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) base in Armagh. At the time several members of the UDR in Armagh were accused of the killing of Catholics and Ó Fiaich described the visit as ‘disgusting’.

The Cardinal also drew criticism when he stated that people may be morally justified in joining Sinn Féin (SF) if they joined to work on community issues. [The Irish government distanced itself from the Cardinal’s remarks.]

Tuesday 15 January 1985

Paul Kelly (17), a Catholic civilian, was shot dead by the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), as he ran away from a stationary stolen car at a UDR check-point at Kennedy Way, Belfast.

Saturday 15 January 1994

Edward Kennedy, together with three other Irish-American Senators, appealed to Bill Clinton, then President of the USA, to grant a visa to Gerry Adams, then President of SF.

Sunday 15 January 1995

The British government announced that the ban on ministers engaging in contacts with Sinn Féin (SF), the Ulster Democratic Party (UDP), or the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP), would end.

Monday 15 January 1996

The British and Irish Governments and the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) held a first tripartite meeting. The three members of the International Body on Arms Decommissioning met with Northern Ireland Office (NIO) ministers, and representatives of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) and Sinn Féin (SF) in Belfast.

Wednesday 15 January 1997

billy writgt

The trial of Billy Wright, then a leading Loyalist figure from Portadown, began at Belfast High Court. Wright was charged with threatening a witness.

[Wright was believed at this time to be the leader of the Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF). The LVF was considered to be composed mainly of former members of the mid-Ulster Brigade of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). Wright was killed in the Maze Prison on 27 December 1997.]

See Billy Wright page

Thursday 15 January 1998

The Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) accused Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) officers of physically assaulting its Vice-Chairman Martin Morgan when he went to speak to protesters in the Whitewall Road area of Belfast. Morgan sustained a broken arm and bruising in the incident.

[Morgan had criticised the RUC in media reports about an incident in north Belfast on 1 January 1998. The RUC later announced an inquiry into the events surrounding Morgan’s injury.]

Ronnie Flanagan, then Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), said that he did not want RUC officers to belong to the Orange Order or any of the other loyal orders. The statement was made in the Channel 4 programme ‘Dispatches’.

In the same programme a group of defence lawyers claimed that there was compelling evidence that the RUC and the British Army had been involved in “numerous” illegal killings.

Sinn Féin (SF) staged a protest outside Antrim Road Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) station in Belfast. SF called for the release of ballistic reports on the gun which was used by Loyalist paramilitaries in the killing of Eddie Traynor on 31 December 1997. SF claimed that RUC ballistics reports were available within 24 hours whenever incidents involving Republican paramilitaries occurred.

Seven Irish Republican Army (IRA) prisoners who had been serving sentences in jails in Britain were transferred to Portlaoise Prison in the Republic of Ireland. Mary McAleese, then President of the Republic of Ireland, paid her first official visit to Britain since her election. She spoke of the prospect of the British and Irish people standing “on the threshold of a new and very healthy phase” in their relationship.

Friday 15 January 1999

The Ulster Democratic Party (UDP) warned that paramilitary prisoners who had been released on licence as part of the Good Friday Agreement could become involved in crime if they were unable to find employment.

Tuesday 15 January 2002

Daniel McColgan (20), who was killed by the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) on Saturday 12 January 2002, was buried in Carnmoney cemetery after a service at the Star of the Sea Church in nearby Whitehouse. There was a large attendance at his funeral.

Postal services in Northern Ireland were disrupted as many postal workers attended the funeral. Patrick Walsh, the Catholic Bishop of Down and Connor, said,

“Daniel was singled out for murder for one reason and one reason only – that he was a Catholic.” Walsh went on to say that he had been killed by, “an organisation that is driven by a single agenda of sectarian hatred of Catholics”.

During the evening the Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF), a cover name used by the UDA issued a statement saying that it “unreservedly” condemned the death threats issued against Catholic teachers and Catholic postal workers. The statement further said that it was ordering the Red Hand Defenders (RHD), also a cover name used by the UDA, to stand down within 14 days.

[On Wednesday 16 January 2002 the RHD issued a statement to say it would stand down its members. Nationalists reacted sceptically to the two statements.]

It was revealed during a court case that British police investigating the Manchester bombing in 1996 agreed to a secret request from the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) not to arrest and interview a prime suspect. As a result there was a 16 month delay in sending a file to the Crown Prosecution Service. The claim was made by a former head of Greater Manchester Police Special Branch who also said that a “cover story” was invented to account for the fact that no arrest had been made.



Remembering all innocent victims of the Troubles

Today is the anniversary of the death of the following  people killed as a results of the conflict in Northern Ireland

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die

– Thomas Campbell

To the innocent on the list – Your memory will live  forever

– To  the Paramilitaries  –

There are many things worth living for, a few things worth dying for, but nothing worth killing for.

5 People   lost their lives on the 15th January  between  1973 – 1989


15 January 1973
David Bingham,  (22)

Status: Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR),

Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Abducted while driving his car along Grosvenor Road, Belfast. Found shot in abandoned car, Institution Place, off Durham Street, Belfast, on 16 January 1973.


15 January 1985

Paul Kelly,  (17)

Status: Civilian (Civ),

Killed by: Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR)
Shot while running away from stationary stolen car, at Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) Vehicle Check Point (VCP), Kennedy Way, Belfast.


15 January 1986

Victor Foster,   (18)

Status: Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR),

Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Killed by booby trap bomb attached to his car outside his home, Gamble Park, Castlederg, County Tyrone.


15 January 1988

William Kane,  (20)

Status: Civilian (Civ),

Killed by: Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF)
Shot at his home, Upper Meadow Street, New Lodge, Belfast


15 January 1989

Harold Keys,  (25)

Status: ex-Royal Ulster Constabulary (xRUC),

Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
From Northern Ireland. Shot outside his girlfriend’s home, Ballintra, County Donegal
